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San Antonio Sex Crimes Attorney

Trusted Legal Representation By Criminal Defense Attorney

Sex Crimes Attorney Representation

Texas justice has always been tough, but recent changes have made it brutally tough for individuals charged with sex crimes, especially those committed against kids. Our criminal defense attorney, provides legal representation for sex crimes cases.


Increased sentences, stacked sentences, no probation, no parole, little sentencing discretion left to judges, and juries terrified by horrific news stories all make being charged with a sex crime in Texas a true nightmare. Even low level offenders can be branded a "sex offender" and carry the stigma for life. While murders routinely receive between 20 and 50 years in prison and are parole eligible, sex offenders often receive multiple stacked life sentences and will never see the light outside a Texas prison. 


With our criminal defense firm on your side, you benefit from:


  • Extensive legal experience

  • Larry Bloomquist is Board Certified in Criminal Law by Texas Board of Legal Specialization

  • Personal attention throughout the entire case

  • More than 2,000 criminal cases handled

  • Free consultations


Common Sex Offenses and Consequences

Sexual assault is a 2nd-degree felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00 and confinement from 2-20 years in prison. If there is a family relationship that would prevent marriage between the actor and the victim, it is enhanced to a 1st-degree felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00 and from 5 years to 99 years or life in prison. A conviction will result in sex offender registration. There are restrictions on how and when a person is eligible for community supervision so consult an attorney.



San Antonio Sex Crimes Attorney



San Antonio Criminal law Attorney





Aggravated sexual assault is committing a sexual assault with one of the following:


  • Committed against a child under 14 years of age

  • Committed against an elderly person

  • In front of the victim threatens any person with death, serious bodily injury, or kidnapping

  • Uses or exhibits a deadly weapon

  • When 2 or more people sexually assault the victim

  • Administers a date rape drug


Aggravated sexual assault is a 1st-degree felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00 and from 5 years to 99 years or life in prison. A conviction will result in sex offender registration. There are restrictions on how and when a person is eligible for community supervision so consult an attorney. If the victim of the aggravated sexual assault is under 6 years old, the crime is enhanced to a 1st-degree felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00 and from 25 years to 99 years or life in prison. There is no possibility of probation and no possibility of parole meaning the sentence is served day for day with no early release.


Sex Crimes Against Children

Indecency with a child by contact is the touching of a child's (less than 17 years old) private parts (including through clothing) with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. It is a 2nd-degree felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00 and confinement from 2-20 years in prison. A conviction will result in sex offender registration. There are restrictions on how and when a person is eligible for community supervision so consult an attorney.

Indecency with a child by exposure is the exposure of the actor's private parts or causing the child's (less than 17 years old) private parts to be exposed with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. It is a 3rd-degree felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000.00 and confinement from 2-10 years in prison. A conviction will result in sex offender registration. There are restrictions on how and when a person is eligible for community supervision so consult an attorney.


Continuous sexual abuse of young children is the commission of one of the following sex crimes, committed on more than one occasion in a period of time of more than 30 days, against one or more children under 14 years of age:


  • Aggravated kidnapping with intent to violate victim sexually

  • Indecency with a child by contact

  • Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault

  • Burglary with intent to commit aggravated kidnapping, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, or indecency by contact

  • Sexual performance of a child

  • Trafficking of persons

  • Compelling prostitution


Sex Offender Registration

A standard requirement of most sex crimes is sex offender registration. This is usually for life but in some charges is limited to a period of 10 years after disposition or discharge of sentence (this could be up to 30 years).


A registered sex offender must:


  • Register with local law enforcement within 7 days of arriving in a city

  • Be photographed and placed on the internet Sex Offender Database

  • Report any changes in address and employment

  • Register with any school that is attended

  • Periodically update registration


If you are facing conviction, contact our San Antonio sex crimes attorney today for the legal counsel you need. Our firm can help you protect your rights.

Sex Crimes Attorney Representation

We handle sex crime cases throughout Central Texas, including, San Antonio, Seguin, New Braunfels, and Boerne, Texas.

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San Antonio Criminal Lawyer



"Mr. Bloomquist took the time to explain the entire legal proceedings and answered every question that I had thoroughly which prompted me to hire him immediately. After two and a half years after the false allegation was made and with three different law enforcement agencies pursuing an arrest, I was indicted on a felony crime within Bexar county in June of 2015. During the next 26 months of uncertainty, Mr. Bloomquist aggressively attacked and challenged the state's evidence and even scared off two to the top prosecutors within the district attorneys office on taking this case to a jury trial. After months of hard work and an extensive knowledge of the law, the state dismissed their case against me."



San Antonio murder attorney
Larry Dean Bloomquist, Attorney At Law


2111 IH-35 South, Suite 2106

New Braunfels, TX 78130

Our criminal defense lawyer is located in New Braunfels, Texas. We also have a satellite office in San Antonio, TX.


We handle cases throughout Central Texas, including, San Antonio, Seguin, New Braunfels, and Boerne, Texas.

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