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Boerne Theft / Fraud / White Collar Crimes Lawyer

Trusted Legal Representation By Criminal Defense Attorney

Theft / Fraud / White Collar Crimes

Case Result - Felony Theft - Dismissed​


Client was arrested and charged with Felony Theft, prior to indictment Mr. Bloomquist was able to show the District Attorney's handling the case that the search of the client's home that recovered stolen property was illegal. Officers had entered the home without a warrant, and without the consent of the client. The complaint and all charges dismissed.



Texas law consolidates what used to be 14 different crimes (ways to commit theft) into one charge we call theft. These include, but are not limited to:


  • Theft

  • Shoplifting

  • Robbery

  • Burglary

  • Credit card abuse

  • Possessing or receiving stolen property

  • Theft by false pretext

  • Swindling

  • Embezzlement

  • Extortion


Theft is really simple. It is unlawfully taking something with the intent to deprive the owner of it (even for a short time). Taking property is unlawful if it is taken without the owner's consent, or if it is stolen and you know it is stolen. The penalties for theft are based on the value of the stolen property.


The possible penalties include:


  • Fines and court costs

  • Incarceration in jail or prison

  • Restitution (paying the money back)

  • Probation or parole

  • Classes, community work



Fraud, forgery, and writing bad checks are serious crimes that, if charged, require serious defense. At Larry Dean Bloomquist, Attorney at Law, our Boerne fraud lawyer has the extensive experience and knowledge that you need to move forward with confidence. Larry Bloomquist is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Attorney Bloomquist has also served as a former prosecutor, giving our firm the expert insight from the other side of the courtroom. Fraud can result in serious penalties.


Fraud charges can include:


  • Forgery

  • Bad checks

  • Credit card abuse

  • Use of stole checks

  • Counterfeiting

  • Document deception

  • Fraudulent transactions


Credit Card Abuse

Credit card abuse is simply using a stolen credit card or a card that you are not authorized to use by the owner to obtain cash or property. Generally, it is a state jail felony punishable by:


  • A fine up to $10,000.00

  • 180 days to 2 years in jail or prison

  • Lifelong record


Generally no there is no early release from state jail facilities. The jail time can be probated for up to five years for a state jail felony offense. Our Boerne credit card abuse lawyer knows that there is much more at stake in these types of cases, including your reputation. A conviction for credit card abuse can effectively alter your future chances at employment, housing, higher education, or loans.


The Real Life-Long Consequences

Being branded a thief is likely to follow you for the rest of your life. If you are convicted 2 times or more of theft, the state may enhance your charge to a felony offense (regardless of the value of property taken). This is punishable by a fine up to $10,000.00 and confinement of from 180 days to 2 years. You could get your case probated for up to 5 years. If you have been sent to prison or state jail before, your charges could be further enhanced to become even more serious.


Quality Legal Representation Makes a Difference

The bottom line is that quality legal representation makes a difference. It can be the difference between a guilty or not guilty jury verdict. It can be the difference in negotiating a favorable plea bargain. Theft charges can affect you for a lifetime and you should retain a proven theft attorney. At Larry Dean Bloomquist, Attorney at Law, our Boerne theft crime lawyer have the skill and experience to represent you.


We handle criminal law cases throughout Central Texas, including, San Antonio, Seguin, New Braunfels, and Boerne, Texas.

San Antonio Theft Lawyer



San Antonio Criminal law Attorney





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San Antonio Criminal Lawyer



"Mr. Bloomquist took the time to explain the entire legal proceedings and answered every question that I had thoroughly which prompted me to hire him immediately. After two and a half years after the false allegation was made and with three different law enforcement agencies pursuing an arrest, I was indicted on a felony crime within Bexar county in June of 2015. During the next 26 months of uncertainty, Mr. Bloomquist aggressively attacked and challenged the state's evidence and even scared off two to the top prosecutors within the district attorneys office on taking this case to a jury trial. After months of hard work and an extensive knowledge of the law, the state dismissed their case against me."



San Antonio murder attorney
Larry Dean Bloomquist, Attorney At Law


2111 IH-35 South, Suite 2106

New Braunfels, TX 78130

Our criminal defense lawyer is located in New Braunfels, Texas. We also have a satellite office in San Antonio, TX.


We handle cases throughout Central Texas, including, San Antonio, Seguin, New Braunfels, and Boerne, Texas.

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